The EarthPhone is a mini work of art, made of natural materials from the earth. The little artwork looks like a smartphone, but offers a whole different screen experience. It fits just perfect in a colourful or subtle bamboo case and you don't need to recharge, to update or to back up the phone. Just peace and quiet.
The different colours of earth and sand from which the EarthPhone has been made, are carefully collected from different places from all over the world. The materials are glued to a little wooden panel, just as big as the size of a smartphone. Pieces of sequoia, shells from the Wadden or Australian sand - it can all be used in an EarthPhone created especially for you. Choose for humour with swimming shark fins or go for nostalgia of the old days. Rather the red shades of Africa or do you prefer the black colours of Waterland? You can also pick an EarthPhone from the already existing collection.
The EarthPhones have their own website. Check out the whole story and the collection: